About the SSDB

The Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board with its office in Saskatoon, has been given responsibilities and authorities under a specific mandate enacted by legislation, the SSDB is responsible to collect a service fee (check-off) in order to promote and develop the industry. The direction for the SSDB is provided by a Strategic Plan developed by the producer membership of Saskatchewan. To become members, producers are required by the Agri-Food Act 2004 Producer Registration Order 20/10 to complete a no-charge registration annually. Five board members elected from the five regions across the province represent the producers of Saskatchewan. The board operates under the regulatory structure of the Saskatchewan Agri-Food Council. Orders and annual reports from the council can be located at the Agri-Food Council website.

Saskatchewan Sheep Opportunity Document


Our Vision and Mission is achieved by:

Representing and responding to the needs of all sheep and lamb producers of Saskatchewan.

Providing effective communication channels.

Providing marketing options and market information for lamb producers.

Providing resource stability to the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board.

Providing education, extension and information transfer to assist producers in maximizing returns for lamb, sheep and sheep products

Ensuring access to sheep supplies.

Promoting the lamb industry, the consumption of lamb and the use of sheep products.

Implementing the strategic plan developed by the sheep industry for the sheep industry.

Working in cooperation with other industry groups, marketing associations, commission committees which have objectives consistent with those of the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board.

Working in partnership with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Extension, Education & Training
  • Industry Awareness
  • Market Development
  • Production Environment/Development
  • Organizational Effectiveness

Current Flock Statistics

The following table contains the distribution of ewes and registered producers within Saskatchewan for 2020 & 2021.

RegionReg'd ProducersSize of Flock
North East1241245,9705,672
North West1301286,8716,672
South East23023421,01819,947
South West12011112,28812,029
SSDB Data Total (incl ewe lambs)76475855,95753,374
Stats Canada ( one year and older)53,30050,200