Attention Producers

Attention Producers

From the Canadian Sheep Federation 
The CSF is a member of the newly established COVID-19 Industry-Government Working Group and have a direct line with AAFC to deal with real-time production challenges.  Please send us any and all of your feedback on problems your producers are currently facing, and we’ll make sure they become a priority on the government work plan.
The COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation. These are certainly unprecedented times and we know that this is causing new challenges specific to the agriculture and agri-food sector.  To help ensure that you have access to pertinent information, we have launched a new page on our main webpage ( through which to share information related to the COVID-19 situation. This is in addition to our ongoing engagement through our newly established COVID-19 Industry-Government Working Group teleconference. The new page contains a specific link for industry that contain Questions and Answers to particular issues, as well as a series of related links at the bottom of the page.  
We will continue to update this new page regularly.

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