Storey’s Guide to Raising Meat Goats


Storey’s Guide to Raising Meat Goats, 2nd Edition
Author: Maggie Sayer
Pages: 344
These guides give novice and experienced livestock farmers all they need to know to successfully keep and profit from animals.
Each book includes information on selection, housing, behaviour, space requirements, breeding and birthing techniques, feeding, health concerns, and remedies for illness. The authors were chosen not only for their expertise but for their ability to explain the ins and outs of animal husbandry in an inviting and accessible style. Whether readers are ready to start an entire herd or flock or are considering purchasing their first animal, Storey’s Guide to Raising books offer vital information and are an indispensable reference.
Managing, Breeding, Marketing
Discover how raising your own meat goats can be a fun and profitable endeavor. Offering plenty of tips for creating an economically viable operation and identifying niche markets for your products, Storey’s Guide to Raising Meat Goats shows you how to care for a thriving and productive herd full of healthy and happy animals.

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SKU: BKS0182Categories: Books