Released on April 8, 2024
Today, Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Lawrence MacAulay and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit announced additional payments will be provided to eligible livestock producers already enrolled in the 2023 Canada-Saskatchewan Feed Program. The Program, introduced on October20, 2023, was put in place to help maintain the breeding herd in drought impacted regions of the province.
“Drought conditions are having a serious impact on livestock producers right across Saskatchewan, ”MacAulay said. “We will continue working closely with the province to ensure affected producers have access to the financial tools they need to protect their operations.”
“These additional payments will assist livestock producers who have felt the impact of droughtthroughout the province,” Marit said. “The Program provides additional relief measures to off setextraordinary costs to secure feed for livestock. This is a government that will always stand up for theneeds of producers and the industry as a whole.”
Initial payments were prorated to a maximum of 75 per cent of the total payment based on theapplication from producers. This prorated approach ensured that all eligible producers could receivesupport. The current outstanding total program budget allows for the remaining 25 per cent tocomplement the initial payments issued to producers who applied and were deemed eligible before thedeadline. Producers within the designated regions, as originally guided by the Canadian Drought Monitormap will receive a top up of up to $50 per head. Applicants that were in the provincial-only area willreceive a top up of up to $20 per head.
“The last couple of years have been a struggle for cattle producers in the province,” Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Vice-Chair Chad Ross said. “Minister Marit and the Saskatchewan government were quick to respond to the challenge through the Canada-Saskatchewan feed program. We appreciate the investment in our industry made by both levels of government and thank you for the additional support announced today.”
Applicants were required to submit receipts or appropriate documents for the extraordinary expenses. The deadline to submit applications to the Canada-Saskatchewan Feed Program ended March 15, 2024.Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation’s Feed Team will automatically reprocess all applications for producers who previously submitted applications before the deadline for funding through the Canada-Saskatchewan Feed Program. Producers should expect to receive funds in the coming weeks.
“SARM appreciates the top up funding to the Canada-Saskatchewan Feed program which will helplivestock producers who are experiencing extra costs associated with drought,” SaskatchewanAssociation of Rural Municipalities President Ray Orb said. “SARM values the ongoing commitment fromboth levels of senior government to Saskatchewan agriculture.”
“Producers greatly appreciate this additional drought assistance that will bring the per head assistanceup to 2021 support levels in the hardest hit regions of the province.” Saskatchewan Stock GrowersAssociation President Garner Deobald said.
The Canada-Saskatchewan Feed Program received 3,486 applications.
Saskatchewan’s AgriRecovery Program has been referred to as the Canada-Saskatchewan Feed Programsince October 2023. AgriRecovery is a federal-provincial-territorial disaster relief framework to helpagricultural producers with the extraordinary costs associated with recovering from disaster situations.AgriRecovery initiatives are cost-shared on a 60:40 basis between the federal government andparticipating provinces or territories, as outlined under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership(Sustainable CAP).
Producers also have access to a comprehensive suite of business risk management (BRM) programs thatare the first line of defense for producers facing disasters, including AgriStability, AgriInsurance andAgriInvest. With joint funding from the federal government and provinces, these BRM programs provideprotection against diff erent types of income and production losses.
For more information, contact:
Media relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Phone: 613-773-7972
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation
Phone: 1-888-723-1211
[email protected]
Media Relations
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation
Phone: 639-398-2268
[email protected]
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